Thursday, January 15, 2004

Starting the year...

Funny how time just flies by. I have been meaning to update my blog for sometime now, and have been a little tardy in this regard. Oh well.. its never too late I guess.

Firstly let me tell you about Daddy Martin. (Well.. that is what my son calls him.) I had a chance to have a proper conversation with him this time around when they were back for Christmas and it was a relevation. Martin is my ex wife's fiance and together they take very good care of Benjamin. Funny how things turn out for the best. I cannot think of two better people to be responsible for Ben, me included. Martin really does love Ben and together with Asha is raising Ben in a great way. You only have to meet Ben today and spend some time with him to realise that he is a great kid. Polite, disciplined, willing to share, but still with the kind of exuberance and kid should have. He is such a balanced child.. unbelievable.. and I thank God for it. And to Martin.. thank you from the bottom of my heart.

This year shall be a great year. I feel it in my bones. Chui and I will be renovating a home together, business is picking up... holidays are in the plans.. new friends... so its great overall, with so much to look forward too.

I hope you all have a great year as well. God Bless!!